Your Marketing Terminology Cheat Sheet: Essential Flavour and Fragrance Research Terms


Common Fragrance & Flavour Research terms that you may come across. The document is used on my Fragrance and Flavour Course in Grasse.




In life, many words have multiple meanings for different professions and generations. In light of that, I have compiled a list of terms that you might face during your careers.

I have always disliked jargon however during my career I noted the importance of it for connecting and using terms that people agree on. Here are some common terms that you may come across. The document is used on my Fragrance and Flavour Course in Grasse.

Sample Entries Include….


When a product becomes trialled and then part of a consumers repertoire.

Accompanied Shopping
A specialised type of individual depth interview, which involves respondents being interviewed while they shop in a retail store and combines observation with detailed questioning.

The nose is mission critical for flavor and fragrance work. The human nose is capable of differentiating between thousands of unique scents. It’s your olfactory abilities that allow us to discern the sheer variety of flavors that are offered up in a bite or sip of a drink. However, the tongue is limited to sensing: salty, sweet, bitter, sour & savoury.