Name: Bergamot
Latin Name: Citrus bergamia
My Aroma Description (Perfumer’s Notes): green, fresh, sweet, tangy, fruity, citrus, green, earl grey tea,
Archetypal Fragrances: Bergamote by The Different Company
Raw Material Family: Citrus
Note: Top
Type: Essential Oil
Where From: Southern Italy
Emotional Rewards Prioritised: The aroma of Bergamot commonly creates the following emotions: [visualizer id=”412″] The graph above shows what emotions Bergamot often creates and the relative level of importance.
Commentary: Bergamot is a hybrid lemon and bitter orange, grown in Italy and France.
The word is Italian word bergamotto though thought ultimately a Turkish word… bey armut the prince of pears. Used widely to scent food, perfumes, and cosmetics. Famous for being encountered within Earl Grey tea. Whether the recipe was created by accident, when a gift of tea and bergamot were shipped together from China or was a deliberate formulation for masking mineral content of Earl Grey’s water in England it is a instantly recognised smell. Within Earl Grey tea the aroma is rich floral, sweet, sunny, exotic complexity. In fragrance it brings a uplifting, elegant and summery reward.